Have you ever experienced the elated feeling of finishing a workout? There’s nothing like a jog in the open fresh air or a great spin class to get those happy feelings flowing. Thoughts often become more clear and problems that have been plaguing... (Read More)
"Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt." John Muir
The outdoors is the healing balm that many of us need when life becomes hectic and harried. Not only do the outdoors bring a certain amount of peace, but studies... (Read More)
Are you a fan of sourdough bread? Some people love the tangy flavor, while others find it a bit strong for their taste. While the taste of sourdough bread is up to individual preference, the health benefits are well established. You also can't deny... (Read More)
Do you consider yourself someone with a sweet tooth? To be fair, our society relies heavily on this ingredient, to the tune of around 17 teaspoons of added sugar a day per person. That's far above the recommended amount. Sugar consumption in the... (Read More)
El diario ha existido durante siglos. De hecho, muchos de los textos antiguos que tenemos eran una versión del diario de alguien que tenía la disciplina y el deseo de registrar sus pensamientos y sentimientos, así como llevar un registro de... (Read More)
Houseplants are becoming all the rage! And, there is a good reason for it, too. Not only are they aesthetically pleasing and provide an amazing ambiance for your space, but they are also full of health benefits! Studies on the benefits of... (Read More)
Zinc, a trace mineral, has been in the news a lot recently. And it's for good reason. This nutrient, found in certain foods and in supplement form, may have a lot to offer in terms of health benefits. Here's a look at what the science says about... (Read More)
Life is sweet, isn't it? Figuratively this can be true, but it's also true when it comes to sugar consumption among Americans. According to the American Heart Association, women and children should be consuming just 6 teaspoons or fewer of added... (Read More)
Life can come at us quickly with many stressors daily. Do you feel that it can sometimes feel hard to keep up? This happens to each of us occasionally, but if it seems to be happening frequently it may be important to stop and reassess the... (Read More)
Fat was demonized for far too long. Remember the low-fat craze of the 90s? Somewhere along the way we were taught to believe that all fats are created equally, but that couldn't be further from the truth. The truth is that there are certain... (Read More)