Good health begins in the gut. If this seems a bit far-fetched to you, think about all that happens during digestion. From the moment food touches your lips (whether it be a Hostess cupcake or a baby carrot) a series of physiological responses... (Read More)
When you think of the sun, your first thought might be about the damage it can do. That's why we stay out of the sun when we can and slather on sunscreen when we're outdoors during the day. It's true — too much sun can be dangerous. Yet a bit of... (Read More)
Have you ever experienced the elated feeling of finishing a workout? There’s nothing like a jog in the open fresh air or a great spin class to get those happy feelings flowing. Thoughts often become more clear and problems that have been plaguing... (Read More)
Your body is an amazing and wonderful machine full of systems and processes that keep you healthy, active and functional. But, just like an automobile needs gasoline and regular maintenance to function at top performance, your body needs a few... (Read More)
Have you ever experienced the feeling of well-being or satisfaction after helping another person? It turns out this isn't simply an emotional response. Studies show that acts of service can actually benefit our overall health! And, what could be... (Read More)
As human beings, we need love! We are social creatures who thrive on connection and relationships with others. In fact, in the classic tale of Winnie the Pooh, Piglet asks, "Pooh, how do you spell love?" Winnie the Pooh wisely answers, "You don't... (Read More)
Life is sweet, isn't it? Figuratively this can be true, but it's also true when it comes to sugar consumption among Americans. According to the American Heart Association, women and children should be consuming just 6 teaspoons or fewer of added... (Read More)
We get it.
Life is busy and one thing that can feel easy to cut out during a time crunch is sleep. However, you may want to think again before robbing yourself of that much-needed beauty rest.
When you think about it, sleep is the body's... (Read More)
Your body is an incredible working machine and it is largely fueled by the food we eat. While this is not a revolutionary concept for most, we can sometimes forget that the type of food we put into our bodies matters a great deal and it can affect... (Read More)