Paleo. Keto. Low carb. Whatever version of these popular diets you may follow, they have one thing in common—the underlying assumption that sugar is the enemy. While this can be an over-simplification, there is some truth to it. Still, it’s... (Read More)
You might have seen it gel or liquid form. Aloe vera is versatile and associated with 500 species of flowering succulent plants. Many of its types are native to North Africa and enjoy popularity around the world as a safe and cost-effective... (Read More)
Are you a fan of sourdough bread? Some people love the tangy flavor, while others find it a bit strong for their taste. While the taste of sourdough bread is up to individual preference, the health benefits are well established. You also can't deny... (Read More)
Are you trying to keep your mind sharp as you grow older? We all are. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to help keep your brain healthy. Here are eight of them:
Stay connected. Many studies have shown that social connections... (Read More)
We’ve all been there. After a hard day, you may reach for a high-calorie salty or sweet snack because it can be a source of momentary comfort. Emotional eating, however, can cause you mental and physical discomfort if you don’t keep it at bay... (Read More)
There are a lot of great things about being employed and living in a free society, but the stress that comes with work isn't exactly one of them.
Dealing with stress can be draining. Whether you're facing an important deadline at work, having... (Read More)
Your body is an incredible working machine and it is largely fueled by the food we eat. While this is not a revolutionary concept for most, we can sometimes forget that the type of food we put into our bodies matters a great deal and it can affect... (Read More)
Journaling has been around for ages. In fact, many of the ancient texts we have were a version of someone's journal who had the discipline and desire to record their thoughts and feelings as well as to keep a record of current events, family culture... (Read More)
Imagine an empty clear jar. Before you sits a pile of sand and a pile of rocks. Both of them need to fit into the jar. What is the best way to approach this task? Do you start with the sand or the rocks? Interestingly, if you fill the jar with the... (Read More)